PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCES 2025-01-01T11:41:33+00:00 Chief Editor Open Journal Systems Biomedical Ethics and the Evolving Landscape of Healthcare 2025-01-01T11:41:27+00:00 DR. AMJAD MAHBOOB <p>Biomedical ethics forms the bedrock of responsible healthcare pracce, guiding professionals in their<br>dues and conduct. The core tenets of medical ethics – autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and<br>jusce – serve as the compass for healthcare workers as they navigate the complexies of paent care,<br>always striving to respect paent rights while ensuring opmal quality. However, the healthcare<br>landscape is in constant flux, driven by technological advancements, evolving societal expectaons, and<br>the ever-present pressures of corporate influences. This dynamism introduces novel and intricate ethical<br>dilemmas that demand careful consideraon and proacve strategies.</p> 2025-01-01T07:49:50+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCES Frequency of Congenital Heart Diseases in Pediatric Population with Pneumonia at Bacha Khan Medical Complex Swabi 2025-01-01T11:41:27+00:00 Haroon Nawaz Muhammad Rafiq Khan Inayat Ullah ,Haji Gul Ahmad Khizar Hayat Sijad ur Rehman <p>Leishmaniasis is an infec on that results from the bites of vectors <br>and is caused by different species of intra-macrophage protozoa. <br>Most regions of the tropics, subtropics, and the Mediterranean <br>region are fully representa ve of this disease, which is o en <br>ignored. Many epidemiological factors of human leishmaniasis are <br>environmental factors, the socioeconomic status, age distribu on, <br>and behavioral pa erns. The incidence of leishmaniasis is <br>increasing day by day throughout the world, and the primary <br>reason is the occurrence of several factors which are undoubtedly <br>anthropogenic in nature such as migra on, deforesta on, <br>urbaniza on, and immunosuppression. Number of factors are <br>associated with leishmaniasis emergence or reemergence risks. But <br>for control and preven on purpose surveillance and monitoring of <br>each risk factor should be made having expert opinions working at <br>the Global forums and organizations.</p> 2025-01-01T10:42:44+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCES EXOPHIALA SPECIE: A Case of Rhino Cerebral Mucormycosis in Diabetic Woman 2025-01-01T11:41:27+00:00 Amjad Mahboob Dr. Raza Muhammad Khan Dr. Fatima Ali Dr. Mohammad Sajjad <p>42 year old woman, newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus, presented <br>with complaint of le side facial pain and numbness over the lips. <br>These symptoms were sudden in onset associated with fever, <br>diplopia at le eye on seeing toward lateral side and le side <br>hyposmia. Had some relief in pain with oral medica on and <br>aggrevated with jaw movements, CT PNS (computed tomography <br>Para nasal sinus) showed sinusi s with le orbital celluli s and le <br>level II(upper jugular group) lymphadenopathy , underwent FESS <br>(func onal endoscopic sinus surgery) procedure and ssue biopsy <br>specimen were taken which showed ssue invasive fungal infec on <br>morphologically sugges ve of Mucormycosis , ssue culture had <br>heavy growth of exophiala species. She had 2 nasal washes during <br>this whole course of illness was treated ini ally with injec on <br>amphotericin 50mg ll the arrival of culture report and then <br>switched to capsule Itraconazole for 6 months with regular <br>surveillance. Her symptoms grossly improved.</p> 2025-01-01T10:58:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCES The Global risk factors of Leishmaniasis 2025-01-01T11:41:28+00:00 Ahmad Ullah <p>Leishmaniasis is a disease spread by vectors and caused by various kinds of intra-macrophage protozoan parasites. Large areas of the tropics, subtropics, and Mediterranean basin are endemic to this neglected disease. The main risk factors for human leishmaniasis are often environmental factors, socioeconomic level, demographics, and human behavior. Leishmaniasis incidence is on the rise globally, and this trend is mostly attributable to a number of risk factors that are unquestionably man-made, including widespread migration, deforestation, urbanization, and immunosuppression. Leishmaniasis emergence or reemergence risks are linked to multiple factors. However, for control and prevention, it is important to build surveillance and monitoring of each risk factor and have expert opinions working at the global forums and organizations.</p> 2025-01-01T11:02:02+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCES EVALUATION OF MICROBIAL CONTAMINATION FROM TOOLS USED IN BEAUTY SALONS IN DIFFERENT MARKETS OF ISLAMABAD 2025-01-01T11:41:28+00:00 Kafil-Ur-Rahman Allah Nawaz Khan Sikander Khan <p>The beauty industry includes the sales of cosme cs, perfumes, skin and hair care products, as well as services from beauty <br>salons, spas, and, in some cases, health clubs and cosme c surgery. Global sales of beauty-related products and services <br>exceed $159 billion USD annually, with women making up the majority of consumers. The top-selling beauty products are <br>those that focus on hair care, genera ng nearly $40 billion USD each year. Other major segments in the industry include skin <br>care products, which generate about $23 billion USD annually, encompassing items like moisturizers and an-aging <br>treatments.<br>Methodology<br>A total of 42 samples were collected from different categories of salons across various markets in Islamabad. Samples <br>were taken from tools like scissors, combs, hair brushes, and electric trimmers using sterilized swab s cks.<br>Results<br>The findings underscore the importance of maintaining high standards of hygiene in hair salons to prevent the spread of <br>poten ally harmful microorganisms. Regular disinfec on and sanita on of salon tools are essen al to reduce the risk of <br>microbial contamina on and protect the health of both clients and staff.<br>Conclusion<br>Roadside barbers showed higher contamina on levels compared to formal salons. This was a ributed to the lack of <br>disinfectants, steriliza on techniques, and reuse of tools like razors without proper cleaning.<br><br></p> 2025-01-01T11:17:23+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCES Exploration of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) on Bullying Management Strategies Among K-12 Teacher 2025-01-01T11:41:28+00:00 Mohammad Sajjad Raihama Khan Zulaikha Sikander Tayyaba Hanif Rubina Ansar <p>Introduction: <br>Bullying is a commonly occurring problem in schools which can lead to many adverse consequences. The present study aimed to explore the knowledge, <br>attitudes, and practices (KAP) model on bullying management strategies among K-12 teachers, to understand the current awareness about bullying and its <br>effect among K-12 teachers and to explore the extent to which both genders are bullied. <br>Methodology: <br>This study utilizes an exploratory research design. A purposive sampling technique was used and N=20 (10 males and 10 females) K-12 teachers teaching in <br>six different governments and private schools of Islamabad were selected to be interviewed using a semi-structured interview protocol. The collected data <br>was then analyzed through the thematic analysis scheme. <br>Results: <br>Eleven major themes were identified: teachers' awareness of the term bullying, the impact of knowledge about the term bullying, different trends of bullying, <br>the attitude of teachers toward bullying, perception of teachers regarding bullying, the harm done by bullying, practices to reduce bullying, the importance of <br>bullying management strategies, suitable students' responses to bullying according to teachers, the reaction of teachers toward acts of bullying teachers and, <br>knowledge of teachers about the extent to which both genders are bullied. Conclusion: The findings of this study help experts from educational departments, <br>policy- makers and psychologists to understand bullying and develop effective training programs for teachers and interventions for students.</p> 2025-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCES