• All articles submitted to PJHS are screened through Turnitin software for similarity index.
  • PJHS follows the standard definition and description of plagiarismand we endorse The COPEICMJE, & Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan policies regarding plagiarism.
  • Intellectual contribution and originality of every article is to be defined by the authors and this is the responsibility of authors to be aware of various forms of plagiarism like plagiarism of ideas, text, paraphrasing, self-plagiarism including redundant/duplicate publication, salami slicing (data fragmentation) and text recycling etc. ignorance regarding plagiarism and its various forms will not be considered as an excuse.
  • Any manuscript submitted for publication or a manuscript accepted for publication or even an article that has already been published in the journal is found to be plagiarized, the matter will be dealt with according to COPE guidelines.
  • Editorial Board will immediately stop the processing/ publication of the article and will ask for an explanation from the authors. The corresponding author will be required to respond with an explanation within 30 days of receiving the letter from the editor.
  • In case an acceptable explanation is provided by the author(s), the PJHS editorial board recommend appropriate changes after which the review process for the submitted manuscript may commence.
  • In case of non-response in the stipulated time or unsatisfactory explanation, the PJHS editorial board will decide regarding the fate of the article and authors including
    REJECTION of the manuscript,
    RETRACTION of already published article (as the case may be)
    o Debarment of the authors(s) from further publication in the PJHS for one year or permanent depending upon the nature of offence.
    o The author will be on watch.
  • HEC, PMC, PAME and authors ‘institute will also be notified for information and possible action.
  • The author(s) will have to provide documentary proof of retraction from publication, if such a defence is pleaded.
  • Those claiming intellectual/idea or data theft of an article must provide documentary proof in their claim.